Thursday, May 28, 2009

State of a Nation part 2


rsheedy said...

Eeek! Not okay.

Mark Nott said...
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Mark Nott said...

... and whoever took the picture

whitney said...

Goodness that sort of apathy explains a lot of the issues in our country.

Julene said...

That is one picture that definitely speaks a thousand words. That is so sad, and very disappointing.

Gretch said...

That is one powerful picture. Really sad what it is coming to.

Esther said...

That is one of my biggest pet peeves. When people don't respect the flag and what not. I get especially annoyed at the pro-sports players that show no respect whatsoever during the national anthem...drives me nuts! Lots of little kids look up to them, and we wonder why we are in the state that we are.

Chrissy said...

oooh sad