As Requested...
I want to first state that this never began as a slam on the government, the media, nor Al Gore. That was never the purpose, and to deride such is to make your own interpretation that is not the author's. This was only a tirade to help people open their eyes and do their OWN research, rather than accept what is given to them in the most easily digested manner, i.e. It's Handed To You.
With that said, it was requested that I give more "validity" to my last post. To appease the masses, I give you the following:
First major press release regarding global warming representing a threat to man:
Miami Herald - July 5, 1989 – Page 2E SCIENCE
A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the United Nations U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.
Water Vapor 95% of Greenhouse Effect:
Specifically Table 3
Also of note regarding Water Vapor:
S.M. Freidenreich and V. Ramaswamy, “Solar Radiation Absorption by Carbon Dioxide, Overlap with Water, and a Parameterization for General Circulation Models,” Journal of Geophysical Research 98 (1993):7255-7264
Global Deception: The Exaggeration of the Global Warming Threat
by Dr. Patrick J. Michaels, June 1998
Virginia State Climatologist and Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Appendix D, Greenhouse Gas Spectral Overlaps and Their Significance
Energy Information Administration; Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government
This WHOLE THING is part of a Natural Cycle:
The Geologic Record and Climate Change
by Dr. Tim Patterson, January 2005
Professor of Geology-- Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada
Information regarding the concentration of Gases, specifically CO2:
A news release regarding the EPA trying to ban Water Vapor as a pollutant:
And my personal favorite, from the man hailed as THE expert in Climatology:
I would appreciate any links or other studies you might have to share, though I would prefer that they come from a non-politically influenced source, nor Wikipedia...for all their underfunded is still largely a Public Opinion Bulletin Board. I would like any studies that specifically list deforestation as the cause for increased CO2 in the atmosphere, or even the Industrial Revolution, and that increase is a direct cause of Global Warming, despite studies to the contrary that have been compiled here:
and here
Don't get me wrong...I do love this planet, and I do try to take care of it. It is our home, and much like any home, it can fall into ruins if we don't do our best keep it beautiful. Don't litter...don't waste things...but most of all, don't forget that our children will someday inherit it.
I flew into NY Tuesday from Germany and at noon it was -3; I continued my return to Seattle and was unable to stay at the first Hotel I got to because their water had froze. I was sure looking for a little Global warming at that time. I know the Global warming is coming but we just call it summer.
Zach- I'm gathering addresses for our Christmas card list. What's yours? Thanks!
Off the wall but because your posting dose talk about our government there was just a lawsuit filed to remove Christmas as being a Federal Holiday and that Federal Employees should not get paid for Christmas if we take it off. I being in the Army with three Purple Hearts I most likely have not done anything to earn the paid holiday. Now that said, last month Germany pasted the law that Sunday is a family day and no longer will businesses be open to sell stuff on Sundays. So as we push in God we trust out others are pulling him back in.
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