Sunday, April 13, 2008

Oh Yeah...

One reason I never liked those questionnaire things is because I always have that moment after I am done filling them out where I think, "OH WAIT!"

Anyway...I wanted to publicly post some more best friends, whom without I never would have become the person I am today:
My sisters Monica, Gretchen and Bridgett, my parents, Mandy, Shem, Jeff R., and of course Jonathan.

I have a lot of best friends...and more than likely, I will remember another one as soon as I post this.



Craig Lifferth said...

I'm the same way. The funny thing is I back and fix the post on my blog and hope nobody has read it until I fix it. Who loves Zach? Oh wait, wait I DO!!

Gretch said...

I was wondering... Just kidding. I think the same thing.
Love ya!

HelloBridgett said...

Oh, thanks Zach. I'm glad to know I am just an afterthought... Ha ha. (I hope you don't take me seriously)

Zachary said...

Thanks Sisters...I am darned if I do and darned if I don't.

At least Craig still loves me!

whitney said...

Silly Zach, that's what the EDIT option is for ;)

mightybob said...

i thought i was one of the top 10 most amazing people you knew!? something tells me you've got at least 50 top 10's... :)