Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm Here

Where are you?


Craig Lifferth said...

School! I'll be there Friday, so make sure the party is still going when we arrive.

The Lund Five said...

I'm still at home. We are leaving today at around 5:00 so we will see you when we get there!

All About M.E.('s) said...

I'm here. Just down the hall....

HelloBridgett said...

I'm just in the next room!

Anonymous said...

I was in New York!
But I thought of you the whole time, Stud!!

Anonymous said...

I am flying today and if the wind gets much stronger I may not like landing. Away from the blog I would like to ask how your Grandma (Wanda) is doing.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be looking for a place for the reunion. There is a place at a Lake West of Kalispell on Highway 2 that rents out there large camp when Bible camp is not going on. My family was there with about 330 family.

Zachary said...

You can ask me about Grandma through my e-mail: