Recently I found out that there is a decent chance (about 1 in 15) that I could be going to Cancun Mexico in October. Although this isn't the greatest set of odds out there, I thought that it might improve my chances of going if I were to have a current passport. (Obviously those who don't have a current passport will NOT be going, no matter how cute they are).
So today on my day off, I decided I would go about renewing my passport. Now I am not an international traveling tyro, on the contrary, I have been to several countries around the world. It just so happens that my passport expired about 3 years ago and I haven't really made the effort to renew it. But laziness aside, I set about filling out the forms, getting photographs and heading over to the local Passport Processing Facility, (also known as the Post Office).
The forms were not a problem. I found them online and was able to fill it all out and print them without a hitch. (PS- Mom and Dad, I listed you as people to contact in case of an emergency or if I ever happened to, you know, disappear in an airport or something).
It was the photographs that rankled me. I went to Kinkos FedEx because it was local. First, note to reader: Many passport facilities are already set up to take your photograph, so you don't have to pay more to someone else. Also, when the store "recommends" that you get two sets of photographs, don't bother. It isn't required.
But apparently what IS required is that you don't smile. Now, I have been around the international traveling circuit a couple of times and I really think that this is an old wives' tale. I have never been able to find a law or requirement that states your picture can't be dentigerous. However, the ever diligent and ready to incommode clerical photographer insisted that I not smile. This was the first photograph that was rejected:
And this is the one that he said was acceptable:
Odd...the second one is a much greater likeness to my criminal mug shot from my scrape with the fine men and women of the C.H.P last year and that llama. (Just kidding...there was no scrape...or llama).
In other news, it's hot. I know that Utah is experiencing a record heat wave right now, and I can't imagine how it is. But things aren't so paradisaical down here in the OC either. If it wasn't for the swimming pool, I don't know how we would survive:)
For those of you seeking an update and knowledge about the drama in my life, I apologize that I have not yet found myself on the transpontine side of Drama River.
And to the anonymous poster requesting it, I give you a Pepsi on a diving board:
And to show that I am not a total sell-out (this one is for me)
out of focus also makes you seem more like a terrorist
If you can't smile in a passport photo, then I may have some trouble getting to London this week!
And Happy Birthday month to you, too! This year, there will be a celebration. I plan on wearing a tiara all day, how about you? And I find comfort in the fact that you will always be older than me.
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