Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Return of the "Holy Crap That's A Good Burger!!"

This last weekend I was on yet another work-related road trip. These are always wonderful experiences as we get a chance to try new places to eat along the way. However, this trip, we happened to be passing through North LA, so we decided on a reunion tour of "The Counter". In my very first blog ever, I wrote about the burger that I had there. Well, the second time was just as good. As you can see by the is ambrosia between an English Muffin. And I know my wise sister and brother-in-law told me last time, but I couldn't help it, "Just because you can put all of those ingredients together, doesn't mean that you should." I still put the cranberries on. If you are ever out visiting LA, and are near the Temple, be sure to check out The Counter.


Mark Nott said...

my first question is how do you eat it? Where did you start?

Zachary said...

Very carefully...very carefully. I actually was able to eat the first half with my hands, but had to finish it with a fork and knife. Apparently I have a big mouth.

The Wright's said...

Looks, umm..interesting! Just out of curiosity, what is the cost of that kind of buger?

The Wright's said...

ooohh gross! BURGER..I meant BURGER!

Zachary said...

That burger ran about $12 with tax. The avocados were extra. REALLY good burger though...not a buger at all:)